Gavotte des montagnes

  • Geographical origin : “Gavotte” is a ** dance
  • Historical origin : “Gavotte” comes from Renaissance French dances : “branles”.
  • Set : Human chain. Arms are bending along the body : the left arm is over and the right arm is under the neighbours’ arms.
  • Steps : “Gavotte” has a subdivision in beat 3 and 4.

“Gavotte” dance is composed of 3 parts : “Ton simple”, “bal” and “ton double”
“Ton simple” and “ton double” steps are exactly the same. “Bal” is a walk part.


“Ton simple” and “ton double”
The dance steps are over 8 beats.

Gavotte des montagnes

“Bal” steps are over 16 beats.

You hold neighbour’s finger.


During this part, dancers move, on odd beats, only the right foot. You put it before and comes back normal. At beat 15, put your right foot next to the other and hit the floor at beat 16.


You have to do the same move with your arms that with your feet. When you put your foot before, your arms are horizontal. When your feet are side by side, your arms are bending along the body. At beat 16, you let your arms go down.


  • Originally played on : Voice, Biniou – Bombarde, Clarinet, Chromatic accordion.
  • Tempo : 140 to 160
  • Derived and similar dances : Gavotte Pourlet, Gavotte du bas léon, Gavotte de L’Aven, Gavotte de Brasparts, Gavotte de Kernevodez, Gavotte Glazik, Gavotte de pontivy …