Rond de Loudéac

  • Geographical origin : “Rond de Loudéac” is a dance from center of Brittany, in gallo speaker part.
  • Historical origin : /
  • Set : Circle dance. You hold neigbour’s finger.
  • Steps : “Rond de Loudéac” is composed of 4 parts : “la ronde”, “le baleu”, “la seconde ronde”, “la riqueniée”.


"La ronde"
Steps are over 4 beats.

Arms are bending at 90°, and swing with the music. Arms are before on odd beats.


In this part, people dance in pairs and move in anti-clokwise.
Pairs walk over 16 beats and over the 16 other beats, you dance as the first “ronde”.



Over 16 beats, dancers move on the left hand. Arms are bending at 90° and swing with the music.

Over the 16 other beats, dancers raise the right leg. Women do it discreetly and men do it overstatement.

Loudéac Riquiniée
  • Originally played on : Voice in gallo, Biniou – Bombarde, Clarinet.
  • Tempo : 160
  • Derived and similar dances : /

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